Smallest Fighting Unit: Roman Army, US Army and US Marine Corps
Roman Army: 10 men in a "squad" with 6 squads in a "platoon".
US Army Infantry Squad: 9 men in 2 fire teams with 4 squads per platoon.
US Marine Corps Infantry Squad: 13 men in 3 fire teams but only 3 squads per platoon.
US Army Infantry Squad
US Marine Corps Infantry Squad
The actual rank in a position varies, with junior people often filling senior slots. In Reserve and National Guard units, a senior person will occupy a junior slot if no senor slot is available. Squad size is influenced by the cargo capacity of military transport. Ideally, a squad going to combat should be inserted in one transport with all members present. Trucks, utility helicopters and Bradleys are more common and easier to requisition for a mission. Chinooks and Ospreys have limited availability.

Blackhawk UH-60 Helicopter: 11 troops + 3 crew

Bradley Fighting Vehicle: 6 troops + 3 crew

V-22 Osprey: 24 troops + 3 crew
CH-47 Chinook: 33 troops + 3 crew
(but has carried 50+ personnel in emergency)