The Calvary Incident
By James Sladack
Admiral Atkins develops the world’s greatest supercomputer, Athena I. Its artificial intelligence discovers time travel. Religiously fanatical, Admiral Atkins turns rogue. He leads six Navy SEALs to Ancient Jerusalem to rescue Jesus from the Cross. If the SEALs succeed, the unintended consequence is an unrecognizable 21st century with continents covered by thick sheets of ice and missing 7 billion people.
Green Beret Colonel Robert Lake leads a small Hunter-Killer Team of special operations troops drawn from all branches of the US military and the British SAS to intercept the SEALs. Two civilian experts—a brilliant but eccentric professor and a beautiful master linguist—complete the team. A ruthless CIA zealot, sympathetic to the SEALs, penetrates the Hunter-Killer team bent on destroying them from within.
How will the Green Berets and Marines match-up against the deadly SEALs? How are modern weapons neutralized in close combat by Roman swords? Will the temptations of the flesh in Ancient Jerusalem corrupt the hot-blooded Marines? What happens when the SEALs form a relationship with Judas? Who could be opposed to saving Jesus? Will the Hunter-Killer Team turn on Colonel Lake to aid the SEALs in their holy mission? Is the Past immutable or merely fluid consciousness open to alternate histories?

The Chinese Solution
By James Sladack
Top Secret Mission: The President suspends the laws of war. Use any means necessary to kill Hitler’s greatest commando– Otto Skorzeny. Skorzeny and a company of Nazi SS soldiers have been transported back in time by Red China, tasked with murdering George Washington and assassinating the Founding Fathers. Green Beret Colonel Bob Lake, two Marine snipers, a beautiful intelligence expert, a Navy SEAL and an eccentric professor transport to Fort Duquesne and the bloody French & Indian War. The hunt for the most dangerous Nazi commando in history begins.
If Skorzeny succeeds, the Thirteen Colonies will never unite as a country. 20th Century Germany will win WW I and China will emerge as the sole superpower of the 21st Century. Lake doggedly pursues the brilliant Colonel Skorzeny and his SS storm troopers through the colonial period and across the American wilderness, desperate to save the American Revolution. Through it all, deadly Indians threaten both the Nazis and the American commandos.

Time Mission: The Ninth Legion
By James Sladack
An encrypted SOS, carved on a boulder, alarms the Defense Department. The DNA, in a 2000-year- old tooth, identifies the mason as British SAS Captain King, who disappeared from Old Jerusalem, carrying the mystical Spear-tip which pierced Jesus’ side at the Crucifixion. Is it responsible for the time ripples threatening the 21st century?
Green Beret Robert Lake time-transports to 1st century England with an unconventional commando team. He discovers that demons are real and aligned with the Dark Lord Daniel. Lake organizes a fight-to-the-death against a cannibalistic, Druid army and the possessed Roman 9th Legion, both commanded by the demonic Daniel, carrying the Spear-tip in battle.
The novel explores several themes. May you kill enemy wounded? May orders be disobeyed? Are U.S. citizens bound by the Constitution before it was enacted? Do parallel realms exist? Is the universe a field of consciousness? What is span of control? What is real? The reader may ponder these ideas or just hang on tightly for a ripping adventure story.